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Prompt 4:

I played through this game and restarted multiple times in order to eventually reach "the truth." The more scenarios I decided to pursue (the casino, the grocery store, etc.) and then came to the conclusion that it was just an ordinary day, the more I found myself wanting to get to the bottom of it and find out the truth. I went through the first several scenarios feeling very uncertain about what the truth was, or how I would eventually find it. I thought that choosing to investigate things myself, such as going to the grocery store and talking to the clerk, would eventually lead me to the truth when it was really just a matter of continuing on my original path. So, I did feel like this game suggested those different paths as they were areas that crime was occurring, but they rejected those paths as holding the actual answer. Even then, when I did finally reach the truth, there is not a "clean" conclusion to the story and I still felt like I was seeking the truth to a certain extent. The repetition of the ordinary day passages at the end of most of the paths was interesting, as I found myself anticipating those passages as I tried different paths that didn't lead to the truth. I almost wanted to be able to pursue different paths and "change my mind" rather than just following the story to bed and then restarting. It felt somewhat repetitive in this way, but I suppose that aspect does mimic what an ordinary day might feel like. 

The opening scene is a simple one. It is a vast black screen with blue outlines. This tells me that the full screen is a transition link. A simple click will take me to the next scene. The text left on the screen refers to the base inspiration for the story we are about to play through. The main inspiration was the tactical role-playing game Rat King. While I have never played Rat King I have played tactical role-playing games before so already this gives me an idea of the experience I am about to have. The fact that these are the only things on the opening screen seems very important to me. The title and its inspiration are the only things necessary to prepare the player to engage with this story game while also nodding to work the creator likely enjoyed. The next passage is a further explanation, but in more depth and detail about the very nature of the story game the player finds themselves in. The time period is interesting to me and seems like it will play a major role. The player is given nothing but the year and the fact that they have found themselves in an ordinary town. There is no physical location given so it can be hard to assume what exactly is ordinary for town life in 1950, as this greatly differs depending on where you live. Lastly, this passage tells the player that there is more to the town than what appears.